Friday, September 18, 2009

First Club Hike of 09-10!

The trip to Dogtown has been moved to Friday, September 25th. We acquired two vans so be sure to sign up if you can go. More info to come...

The weather looks to be very nice! It is expected to be about 65 degrees and party sunny. As for gear, think about sneakers or light hikers, shorts or synthetics, a t-shirt and maybe a long sleeve as well. Other than that a water bottle and few granola bars should be sufficient.

Meeting September 17th

The hiking club had its first meeting Thursday, September 17th. At this meeting we welcomed several new members into the hiking club and also saw some familiar faces from last year.

The fall is shaping up to be pleasant! Crisp and cool nights with warm and sunny days. I can't wait to hit the trails!

Items discussed:
  1. Student Activity Fair: JD's on this one! Help him out if you have any ideas.
  2. Pictures from summer: Send Mr. Soule any pictures you have of hikes this summer!
  3. First field trip: We're heading back to Dogtown for the first hike! Thursday Sept 24th!
  4. Possible SJP Hiking Club Facebook group in the works...
More posts to come concerning summer hikes, upcoming hikes, and more!
