Wednesday, October 14, 2009

False Start!


The leaves are changing and it is quickly dropping in temperature outside. We are fully within a classic New England Fall! So get outside and enjoy!

2 items of business!:
  1. Lynn Woods hike is cancelled for tomorrow, October 15th. Talk to Mr. Soule if you want to reschedule this trip.
  2. Check your email account. Gmail is flagging multiple-recipient emails as SPAM. Check your spam folder and if there is anything in there from the hiking club please indicate that it is not spam to the gmail filtering system.
Enjoy the weather!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Lynn Woods, October 15th!

The hiking club heads to Lynn Woods on Thursday, October 15th!

Get a permission slip from Mr. Soule. Also be sure to check the "spam" folder in your email account. If there are any hiking club emails in that folder please tell gmail that they are not spam!

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Meeting: Thursday october 8th

We're heading out to Lynn Woods on the 15th of October. Come down to the meeting if you're interested in hiking that day! We've got two vans and we're ready to rock!

At the meeting we have a few topics. Think about some of these before the meeting and let's come prepared to kick out some ideas (and maybe browse through some backpacker magazines)
  1. What should we do this year when its too junky to hike?
  2. Lynn Woods: We're heading there October 15. Who wants to go?
  3. Hiking destination list: where do you want to go?
  4. Hiking Club Facebook Group (Oh yes!)
  5. New members: welcome!
We have memberships to the Appalachian Trail Club as well as the American Hiking Society. We can contact these folks to do some things like orienteering, map reading, wilderness first aid, and more! Think about it!

Friday, September 18, 2009

First Club Hike of 09-10!

The trip to Dogtown has been moved to Friday, September 25th. We acquired two vans so be sure to sign up if you can go. More info to come...

The weather looks to be very nice! It is expected to be about 65 degrees and party sunny. As for gear, think about sneakers or light hikers, shorts or synthetics, a t-shirt and maybe a long sleeve as well. Other than that a water bottle and few granola bars should be sufficient.

Meeting September 17th

The hiking club had its first meeting Thursday, September 17th. At this meeting we welcomed several new members into the hiking club and also saw some familiar faces from last year.

The fall is shaping up to be pleasant! Crisp and cool nights with warm and sunny days. I can't wait to hit the trails!

Items discussed:
  1. Student Activity Fair: JD's on this one! Help him out if you have any ideas.
  2. Pictures from summer: Send Mr. Soule any pictures you have of hikes this summer!
  3. First field trip: We're heading back to Dogtown for the first hike! Thursday Sept 24th!
  4. Possible SJP Hiking Club Facebook group in the works...
More posts to come concerning summer hikes, upcoming hikes, and more!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

National Trails Day - June 6

National Trails Day 2009 is upon us! What does this mean? Various hiking organizations including the American Hiking Society and the Appalachian Trail Club (links in the "Check These Out" section.) are hosting a variety of events to get people out on the trails. There will be group hiking events, trail cleanups, and other activities as well!

The American Hiking Society has a website set up for NTD, so check it out at the following location:

There's a lot going on in the New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine region! There are a few events hosted as close as North Andover, Boston, and North Reading! Check you local events to Massachusetts at:

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dogtown Hike Update

The Dogtown hike has been changed from May 14th to Thursday, May 21st. The bus will depart from the back of Benjamin Hall at around 2:45PM and we will head up to Gloucester to hike in Dogtown Commons.

The weather is going to be hot, around 85 to 90 degrees so come dressed appropriately! Water bottles are a definite must for tomorrow as hydration will be very important. Otherwise shorts and a breathable short or long sleeved shirt is suggested. Hiking boots or sneakers should be fine.

The tent caterpillars are hatching right now and they are thick in the commons! You may want to bring a hat or even a long sleeve shirt just to keep them off the skin if you find yourself sensitive to our fuzzy buddies.

We're heading here: Old Rockport Rd, Gloucester. Trail is pretty close to this location!

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Let us get as many hikers there as possible so that we can get a good group photo on some "Babson Boulders!"

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dogtown Commons

Get out those hiking boots and clean out the Nalgene bottles because the first hiking club excursion has been planned for next Thursday, May 14th from 2:45 PM to 5:00 PM. The hiking club will drive out to the beautiful Cape Ann and hike in Dogtown Commons.

The hiking club will take a group photo with all members on one of the many intersting rock formations found in Dogtown so be sure to attend!

Plan to make this hike rain or shine so bring a rain jacket if the weather looks threatening. Bring a digital camera if you like and otherwise let's get out on Cape Ann, hike some trails, and enjoy the outdoors!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

... and then there was BLOG!

Hello out there in interblag land! Welcome to the future site for the SJP hikinbg club. Look around, take in the sights, really explore the medium. What's that? The site look sparse, empty, and unhappy you say? SJP hiking club doesn't deserve this, you don't deserve this, the WORLD doesn't deserve this. Alas, you can be the one to make it happen! Fix this dump of a site up by showing off your mad web-grafix skrillz. Email Mr. Soule if you want to help out with the site by designing a cool banner or some other gadget. Do your part... it is for the greater good.